La Plata Port

PORTS La Plata Port La Plata Port is the first Argentine port of Rí­o de la Plata and has a depth of 28 feet. This port also has yard located on the South bank of the estuary of the River Plate. The Access Channel works under standard IALA beacons,

Ibicuy Port

PORTS Ibicuy Port The port of Ibicuy is located at the KM 218 of the Ibicuy river, sited at about 7 Km of the junction of this river with the Paraná Guazú. It consists of an open berth of 160 m waterfront length and can accommodate vessels up to

Lima Port

PORTS Lima Port Located in a privileged area in the highway road Buenos Aires to Rosario, a few miles from National Route 9. With a very important atomic complex as Nuclear Central Atucha I and II, produces much of the energy supplied to the country. B&G Maritime was established

Fray Bentos Port

PORTS Fray Bentos Port This Uruguayan port is located at the Km 95 of the Uruguay river, on the left margin, about 171 miles from Montevideo. Vessels reach the port proceeding via the River Plate and Martí­n Garcia channels and continuing via the Uruguay river.  The Grain terminal is

Del Guazú Port

PORTS Del Guazú Port The Port Terminal SA Guazú is located in the south of the province of Entre Ríos and it’s part of Villa Paranacito, head of the Department Ibicuy Islands, on the shores of the Paraná Guazú river. The port is located at the KM 178 of

Diamante Port

PORTS Diamante Port The port of Diamante is the last overseas port of the Paraná River, and the only overseas port of the province of Entre Rios next to two big cities, capital cities as Santa Fe and Paraná. The port is located on Diamante near the Paraná river

Concepción del Uruguay Port

PORTS Concepción del Uruguay Port Concepción del Uruguay is situated on the River Uruguay, in the province of Entre Rios. This port city is considered one of the largest in the country and allows operations of ships, river ships and overseas some of large tonnage. It has traditionally been

Bahia Blanca Port

PORTS Bahía Blanca Port Bahí­a Blanca is the most important seaport city of Argentina, located south of the Province of Buenos Aires and the second largest on the Atlantic Ocean. Its seaport is one of the largest in the country, being the only one with a natural depth of


Buenos Aires Port

PORTS Buenos Aires Port The port of Buenos Aires is Argentina’s main port, operated by the General Administration of Ports of the State Society. One of the major seaports for cargo coming from inside the country. The current port is built from the late nineteenth century (Puerto Madero and
